Finding Inspiration

by Lynn Crandall w/a Kelynn Storm

Angela’s note: Today I welcome a fellow writer and friend, Lynn Crandall, to my blog as she talks about her newest release and where she finds inspiration. Welcome, Lynn/Kelynn! So happy to have you here!

Writing is often referred to as a passion, and it is just that for me. I love the process most of all, but of course I also enjoy learning that readers find something they like about the stories I write. But writing is a business too. It can take a lot of me to write the kind of thought-provoking, multi-layered stories I strive for. Some days self-doubt may claw at my motivation and I drag myself to my computer and feel like an empty pit. I try to nourish my writing soul on a regular basis, but during those empty-feeling days, I turn to a list of inspiring tactics to juice my muse.

  • Pinterest – Not to plug any particular program but for me, Pinterest is a place to visit to take a break from thinking in words to view life through images. I love finding fun, beautiful, quirky, whatever is the need, pins for my boards, particularly boards for my books. It’s easy, it can be instantly gratifying, and it’s fast.
  • Fresh air – There is very little that nourishes the soul as easily and fully as immersing in nature. I like to start the day with biking or hiking or just sitting in my back yard no matter the temperature. Even a few minutes of nature can boost my muse.
  • Pay attention – I have a few things in my writing space that help me feel connected to writing, so it helps me focus down to look intentionally at those things. For instance, I turn on my aroma diffuser, take notice of the hearts strung near my desk, and read some of the sayings and quotes that ground me. My present favorite is You’ve Got This!
  • Playlist – Whenever I start a new book I always make a new playlist of songs that align with the story. I can turn on the playlist and drop right into the tone, setting, and pace of the story. The music helps me experience the story as if I were one of the characters. In Touch of Breeze is releasing today (Yay!). It is a fast-paced drive from beginning to end. The characters are tossed into intensity and danger and must fight their way to their happy ending. I wanted music that would take me along just as fast and furiously as I built the story. Here’s a short-list of the songs on the Touch of Breeze playlist:

All of these ways help me stay in tune with my writing. But writing itself, for me, is what draws me back to the page to pound out a story. When I’m particularly despairing about how to go on or how to find the story worth writing, or how to find an audience, I may even think I’ll stop writing for good. But soon, the quote I heard once proves true: If you’re truly a writer, you can’t quit. Barring injury or illness, it seems true, but maybe not even then.

Touch of Breeze Blurb:

A rare white were-jaguar, she’s on a mission to save her twin brother from certain death. She didn’t plan on teaming up with a Jag Guardian who would just as soon break her heart.

Mortician London Satos works with the dead by choice. Using her were-jag ability to witness their final moments, she helps them pass over in peace. Those special moments contrast greatly with the life she leads haunted by an ancient Japanese spirit with revenge on his mind. On top of that, her twin brother is missing. Just when she thinks she has enough on her hands, Breeze Dawson stumbles into her path. Compelled by a guilty conscious, she thinks she must help him survive the evil spirit, but it doesn’t stop there. She is forced to team up with him to rescue her brother from an evil madman intent on using him to fulfill a diabolical prophesy.

Recently suspended from his job as a Jag Guardian, were-jaguar Breeze finds himself looking for anything to distract him from his troubled life. So when the beautifully captivating mortician needs help fighting battles on several fronts, he finds himself embroiled in a murderous plot that not only threatens his Guardian team but the supernatural community in general. Together, Breeze and London race to locate the mad man’s stronghold where he’s holding London’s brother, all the while fighting mutual attraction that will only complicate everything.



“I am a Guardian of the Jag Council. Do you know what that is?” Breeze lifted his brows.

“Of course I do,” London said. “The Council is an organization of seven elders who govern our kind and work in concert with other shifter councils to promote peace, justice, and protection among supernaturals. Under the elders, the Guardians serve our community of jag-shifters.”

“You sound like you’ve read our website.”

“Funny. I’m Japanese American. My parents taught me to keep informed.” She knew there was no website or any other way to trace the presence of her jag community. She didn’t belong to a prowl of jaguars, but her parents did. Their group was a source of information. “Does knowing you’re a guardian tell me who you are?” she asked. She caught the little drop in his eyelids when she asked the question.

The air in the room got thin. She held her breath, waiting.

“To know who I am would take a lot longer than I have,” he said, his voice muted. He looked away. “That thing that follows you around attacked my team while they were attempting to make a rescue. It and the Crew wounded members of my team and kidnapped one.” He turned back to look deep into her eyes and her blood pumped hard in her body. “Are you familiar with Wentworth’s Crew?”

“I know the stories.”

“Then you know Wentworth is a treasure hunter turned trophy hunter. He’s killing and kidnapping shifters. The word from the Council is he’s following a prophecy. On one of his treasure hunts he found an ancient script that promised immortality to those who complete certain tasks. We believe Wentworth’s recent activities regard that prophecy. What about your brother might have attracted the attention of Maxwell Wentworth?”

“My brother and I are white jaguars.” She watched for her news to register.

Breeze sighed heavily. “Rare. So you know what happened to your brother,” he stated rather than asked.

“I saw the men take him. They’ve come after me and tried to capture me in my home. But I do not know where the men have taken him.”



Lynn Crandall writing as Kelynn Storm lives in the Midwest and writes in the company of her cat. She has been a reader and a writer all her life. After cutting her writing teeth as a feature writer for commercial and trade magazines, a reporter for newspapers and radio, and an executive editor for a communications company, award-winning author she tuned her voracious appetite for stories to writing contemporary and paranormal romance and romantic suspense. In her books, she enjoys taking readers on emotional journeys with relatable characters who refuse to back down, and face challenges and tribulations with heart and soul. She believes every love has a story, and hers is with one handsome husband and a large, beautiful circle of family, including her cats, Willow and Winter.

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Find Lynn Crandall aka Kelynn Storm on Facebook, Goodreads, Pinterest, Instagram @lcrandall246, BookBub, and her website at

Touch Me, by Lynn Crandall

Today I have the beautiful and talented Lynn Crandall to answer some questions about her newest release, Touch Me. I had the honor of getting to beta read Touch Me before its release, and I still can’t stop thinking about it and its characters! Payson and Braden were so likeable, their conflicts so real, and their emotions so visceral I felt I was experiencing their life through Lynn’s words. Touch Me is a gem, and isn’t that cover amazing!?!

Bounty hunter Payson Silver stands on the top of the tallest building in her city and sees
proof below in the cries for help, the theft underway, and fighting in progress that darkness is
growing. Locating skips, lost people, and objects is only one of her jobs. Born an Aeon, a direct
descendent of evolved people of Atlantis, Payson came into the world knowing her purpose in
life – to balance dark energies with light and prevent the world from going deeply into darkness,
starting with the City of Auralia. Alongside the love of her life, Braden Powers, and other fellow
Aeons, she uses her psychometric ability and special skills to defeat the mission of Dark Aspects,
or DAs as she calls them, from turning the city into darkness. Her greatest weapon against the
darkness is her ability to send the energy of light and love into the world. Her greatest obstacle to
saving the world is fellow Aeon turned DA, Diane Butler, and her own resistance to her mission.

Braden too battles a lack of commitment to the Aeons’ mission, and the reminder that he
lost control of his mind-control ability once with dire consequences. While he understands the
importance of his work, it is only head-deep, not within his heart.

As bounty hunter and police officer, Payson and Braden counter darkness by enforcing
justice and protecting residents from those who harm others and commit crimes. But when
Diane’s dark jealousy drives her to block Braden’s mind to his real life and create a new one for
him, Payson can’t stop her. To lose her love is devastating and she knows she has only ten days
to bring him back to the light.

Dark forces are powerful, and Payson and Braden battle to save each other and their
precious relationship, while the fate of the world lies in balance. The battle for good goes on
under the radar of humanity, but the outcome will mean the difference of a thriving planet or the
slow death of all that is. They face difficult choices to save their love, save their souls, and save
the world from succumbing to the Dark Side.

Lynn’s Interview:

Thank you Angela for having me on your beautiful blog!

Thank you for being here. Now let’s get started!


What intrigues you about your Touch Me?

The challenge. I knew I wanted to write a kind of epic look at life from the perspective of the importance of daily choices, while exploring what it would be like to have a great love, then lose it. I also determined to improve my writing skills in writing the book. So I wrote very deliberately and tried new methods.

That’s awesome. It’s always fun to do something new, and I truly believe it helps our creativity. When did you absolutely know that you had to be a writer?

I read an article in the newspaper years ago about a local romance author and it piqued my interest. I made a rather flippant decision to write. I knew I had to learn all about it and one of the first things I did was read John Gardner’s On Becoming a Novelist. Boom! It was uncanny how much the book resonated with me. It was like I had just discovered my reason for being. From that point on my passion for writing has never diminished. It sounds ridiculous, but above all else, I want to write.

I’ll have to see if I can find that book! What was your favorite part of writing Touch Me?

I enjoy the process of writing a story, so simply doing that was great. Dropping into characters to the degree that I’m looking at what they’re going through from a first person perspective was something I found remarkably satisfying.

Are you a plotter, a pantser, or both?

Pantser. Writing for me is a discovery over and over. But I do create a loose plan for how I want the story to unfold. To write Touch Me I used a storyboard of index cards and followed the plan from Save the Cat. My cards were vague, as any pantser’s would be. I know there are programs for doing the same thing, but I like hands on and visual. My board is in my writing space and I can sit and contemplate it without staring at my computer screen.

That sounds like an interesting technique. Do you have a certain theme in all of your novels?

It seems to me that I write themes of family in a wider context than simple biological connections. It just keeps showing up in my stories. And also the concept of being different and accepting it. A line from a book I’ve written references the idea of opening our minds to possibilities: The world is nothing like you believe it to be.

Do you have a specific writing style?

I do. It’s kind of wordy and I like to use nouns as verbs.

Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?

The message of Touch Me is we are in charge of creating our lives, whether we do it through conscious choice or not. Here are a couple lines that sum up the message: The difference between light and dark forces is choice. Choice can be seductive. Be careful what you choose.

Ooh, I love that! If you were stranded on a deserted island and could only take one book with you, what would you take?

Touch Me, lol!

If you were stranded on a deserted island and could only take one song with you, what would you take?

Oh, wow! What an interesting question. I get earworms so easily, I can’t imagine playing one song over and over. I totally love music and write to playlists, so I’m always discovering new favorite songs. Just this week I learned about Jon Batiste and his version of It’s a Wonderful World. He purposely added what he called spaces that promote reflection. I could stand replaying his version of that song.

Are you working on any projects right now?

Arrgh! I am going through a contemporary romance doing revisions. I don’t hate revisions, and things are going smoothly and quickly, but I’m at the point I want to be done. The story is titled Love and Cherish, and is a runaway bride story. My romances quite often end with a wedding. In Love and Cherish the wedding is at the beginning. I have enjoyed writing about the themes of needing to escape and finding yourself by running away.

That sounds interesting! Besides writing, what would be your career of choice?

I love (hmm, I’m using the word love a lot.) with art history. If I had been a young person who really knew myself, I can imagine I would have majored in art history, then used my knowledge of to write fiction.

What are your hobbies away from your computer?

I wouldn’t call them hobbies, but I “need” to get into nature to stay balanced, so I walk or I walk with my husband at parks. I also ride my bike, read, spend time with family, and watch TV/movies. Pretty average stuff. Can a love for drinking coffee be considered a hobby?

Absolutely! Have you traveled to any locations that appear in your books?

Touch Me is set in a fictitious Michigan town on the shore of Lake Michigan, and in Chicago. I’m from Michigan and Lake Michigan is in my blood. The town, Dunes Bay, was inspired by South Haven, Michigan, where I spent many hours at the beach. And I love Chicago and have been there many times.

That’s very awesome. The setting of Touch Me was so real to me, and I love learning about new places (even when they are fictitious) through novels. Can you share a tip about what you do when you get stuck in your writing?

Typically, when I hit an empty spot in my head while writing, I do clustering. It’s a brainstorming method that has no limits, and I love it. Clustering bypasses my inner censor and gets my thoughts flowing. For instance, if I’m having trouble bringing a scene together or can’t find a beginning to the scene, I’ll cluster regarding the purpose of the scene. The practice of clustering helps me with everything.

I love that! I had forgotten about that but I am storing it in the back of my brain to use it next time I’m stuck. What’s your dream vacation destination?

Zihuatanejo, Mexico. I’m a beach and water person, so I would go there for ocean and beaches. My husband and I talk about escaping to that town when we want a break from everyday life, based on a line in a movie: They say the Pacific Ocean has no memory. That’s where I want to live the rest of my life. A warm place with no memory. It sounds like a peaceful place where our lives could just roll along, but we don’t really know that, yet.

What a great line. Are you a pet person? If so, do you have any?

I definitely love animals. All kinds. I have always had pets, but I think of them as members of my family. I presently have one cat named Willow. She is my daemon, to coin a word from The Golden Compass.

I love animals and they are definitely part of the family. I probably have a cat in almost all of my novels. Do you recall how your interest in writing originated?

I first started making up stories when I was a little girl. My younger sister and I shared a bedroom, and at night I would tell her stories. I don’t know why, but I imagine I was simply expressing my creativity.

Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?

With a reporter’s background, I tend to write in news style, which is not good in fiction.

What advice would you give to your younger self?

Find a good therapist! LOL. Seriously, a good therapist can help find your true self. And look at writing as your path for personal development.

That’s great advice! If you could have been the original author of any book, what would it have been and why?

I wish I had been the author of the Nadia Stafford series by Kelley Armstrong. I enjoy the raw depth of emotions Armstrong writes, and the characterization is beautiful.

How can readers discover more about you and you work?








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Surprise Opportunities and Do Overs

Today’s Guest Post is from Susanne Matthews!

Welcome, Susanne!

Good morning and thanks for inviting me to visit your blog again. Today, I would like to talk about a unique opportunity I had, one that at first didn’t seem like an opportunity at all. When Simon and Schuster closed the Crimson Romance imprint, many Crimson authors, including myself, found themselves in a terrifying position. What would happen to our books?

While we commiserated with one another, many of us had to make decisions, the first one being whether or not to request our rights to the books published originally with Crimson. I had eight books with Simon and Schuster, all of them as part of the Crimson Romance Imprint, and several of those books were in bundles with similar stories. Not sure what to do, I waited and watched sales, biding my time. In the end, I decided to ask for the rights to  my first three romance suspense titles—On His Watch, Fire Angel, and In Plain Sight.

While the rights reversion letter would allow me to publish them as they were, I chose to review the books and revise them. As much as my Crimson editor was an exceptional one, there were things I had to leave out of that version that I felt impacted the story, so this time, I’m releasing what someone described as the “author’s cut” the story told the way I had planned.

While I write in many genre’s my strength appears to be suspense thrillers with a soupçon of romance—think Castle. There’s a romantic element there, but it isn’t the dominant aspect of the book. For Crimson Romance, it had to be. Now, while it’s still there, romance takes a back seat to the crime.

These three novels have a common trope: revenge. That gave me the idea to publish them as a series, but more than that, it gave me the opportunity for a “do over.”

I doubt I’m the only writer who looks at my critical reviews and thinks, I could fix that. That’s what I did. I looked at the comments and set to work. While the bulk of On His Watch hasn’t changed, I’ve added new scenes and more than six thousand words to the story. I’ve amped up the suspense, added a bit more to the romance and have made it the first book for my series, Vengeance Is Mine.

As a compulsive editor, the chance to review and revise my books is an opportunity I never expected. Tightening the plot, making sure no details got ignored or forgotten was a thrill. Now, it’s up to the readers.

Blurb for On His Watch

You can’t outrun the past.

On leave from the FBI, Special Agent Jason Spark is enjoying some welcome peace and quiet when he’s called on to help the local sheriff’s department check out a 911 call. Expecting a prank or misdial, he unwittingly steps into a horrifying bloodbath straight out of a Hollywood slasher movie, complete with clues scrawled on the wall.

Nikki Hart’s husband and son are killed, but she survives, badly beaten and barely clinging to life in a coma. When she awakens, she doesn’t know her name, recognize her face, or remember anything about herself and her past. Terrified, and unsure of whom to trust, she clings to the memory of the angel who comforted her in her darkest moments.

The investigation turns up a prime suspect: The Butcher, an elusive hired assassin for the Sicilian mob. As the news of Nikki’s recovery spreads, putting her in this ruthless killer’s sights again, Jason will do whatever it takes to protect the woman he’s learning to love.

Nikki’s beginning to believe Jason might be the angel who protected her in her dreams. But when she learns about the secret role he played in the worst day of her life, can she ever forgive him?

On his Watch, Book One of the Vengeance is Mine Series is available exclusively through Amazon and is part of the Kindle Unlimited program.

Thanks again for this opportunity to visit your blog.

Thanks for coming, Susanne! And great news! Susanne has offered a free copy to a random winner. The only caveat? You must make a comment to be in the drawing! Winner will be chosen on Sunday evening. Thanks for visiting, and thanks for stopping by again, Susanne!

Christy Newton’s Relationship Advice & a Giveaway!

Hi! I’m Christy Newton, romance author of sixteen published books and counting. I am a hopeless romantic, yes hopeless, because I’m in love with love. My stories are a reflection of my real-life romance with my hubby of twenty-two years this July. There is not a day in our marriage that we have not said I love you, not kissed, not hugged, or held hands (except for a week that I was out of state for a wedding, but we still said I love you over the phone) We are affectionate and have been from day one. That’s not saying we haven’t had our bad times … there have been many. But, we’ve matured together, kept each other young, handled losses together, and have raised two amazing daughters. He is my family, my friend, my lover, and my heart. I wish I could just say that I’m lucky in love, but the honest truth is marriage is a living entity that needs to be continually nourished or it will die.



I’d like to share my relationship advice I have learned over the years. Communication is key. Your partner/spouse is not a mind reader. You must let them know what you like and don’t like, what you expect, and what you need. And it goes both ways, they must do the same for you. Be affectionate. I completely believe simply touching my husband every day makes us closer, connected. Share your hopes and dreams often. This is especially important in hard times. We aren’t rich and there have been so many days we couldn’t even go out to dinner, but that never stopped us from dreaming about what we would do when we could. Which brings me to fantasy. A sprinkle of make-believe is not only fun, but healthy. Hubby made my dreams come true by taking me to a castle and even dressing up with me. He was a good sport and maybe even enjoyed it 😉


Lastly, my advice is to have hobbies that you like to do together, but also, ones that you like to do alone. Everyone needs a bit of space. I enjoy reading, being crafty, and binge-watching shows. When I’m not spending time with my hubby, my daughters, or enjoying my hobbies, I am tapping away on my next book. I love new readers, please enter my giveaway! & If you want to check out what I’ve written, here are some links. Xoxo Christy






*Twitter: @CNewtonAuthor


*Author Website:




*Author Amazon Page:



Relationship Advice from Lynn Crandall


As Angela’s blog states, Love is a Mystery. So who am I to give relationship advice? Well, I’ll tell you, I’m an expert. Self-appointed, that is. I’ve had a number of “practice relationships” that came to an end. I believe sometimes no matter the work and love we put into a relationship, it runs its course and painfully and achingly the dreams of what could have been are what we have. And we move on.


For me, moving on brought me to my husband of many years now. But when MC and I married, immediately we were pulled deeply into constant stress for a variety of reasons. But we were invested in working toward coming together during hard times rather than letting outside stressors pull us apart. We set our sights on harmony.


So I’ll put on my fake relationship expert glasses and share some things I’ve learned, FWIW.


Everyone‘s relationship is different, so what works for one couple may be terrible for another. We’re each individuals with our own issues to work out over our lifetime. Put us together with another and buttons get pushed, power struggles tug, feelings get hurt or ignored. I’m stating the obvious, but sometimes I think we go into a long-term relationship in denial that lasts for years. We do destructive things to each other and ourselves, we hide from each other, we settle for a small life.



In my novella Two Days Until Midnight, as the hero and heroine begin to develop a relationship, the heroine, Lark Ellis, wants to hold back her secrets. She’s uncertain she can be lovable considering what she’s done.


Tamier closed his eyes, clinging to the sense of wonder and peace spreading through him, and trying to ignore his spontaneous impulses to reach for her. “I do know I don’t want this moment to end.” He stepped close to her, so close he felt her breath on his face. She didn’t move away, and he looped a lock of her hair behind her ear, sinking into the soft feel of it. Oh, how he wanted to kiss her lips, but he stood suspended in doubt nanomillimeters away.

“Tamier.” She stared at his mouth. “You don’t know everything about me.”

He pulled his eyes from her lips and looked into her eyes. “I don’t expect I do.”

“There are things I want to tell you, but I’m afraid.”

“Don’t be. If there are things I need to know, you’ll tell me or they will come up.” He nuzzled the soft spot under her ear and into her neck, all of his senses exploding with sensations.

“Tamier,” she whispered.


“Remember later that I warned you.”



This actually happened to me when MC asked me to marry him. I told him something similar and he responded as Tamier did in this excerpt. It felt like impending doom. It took some time for me to realize what I’ll call my first relationship tip: Be forthright. Take the risk to reveal your true thoughts and feelings and fears and share even the hard stuff.



Allow for conflict. It’s okay to have discord and differences of opinion and even to hurt one another, just face it. I learned pretty late into my relationship with MC that he could be angry and he could think I did something terrible, and I could disagree, roll over in bed, and go to sleep. It’s not a sign you’re not in love in more or that one of you is a terrible person. It can mean you are capable of expanding your rules for a happy relationship, and you and your partner can survive it.


How you ask? Tip three. Communicate. Speak, listen. Weigh your words and get to the meat of things. It’s a trip into where you hurt or your partner hurts and it leads to intimacy, the kind that is a meaningful internal connection. Accept that you may not, after all, be the best at communicating. Maybe both of you are unskilled, so another tip: Don’t make everything personal. Yes, a relationship should be personal, but not everything is a statement about you. When you can see that what’s being said isn’t personal, you’ll see yourself as less flawed, less needy, and you’ll be able to tolerate criticism and differences of opinion. You can have meaningful communication.


Be the delightful person in your partner’s life, the one who lets him or her be themselves. You be you, an individual, and allow your partner the same. I’ve told my husband, I don’t want a superman, I want him. I don’t need him to be fearless all the time and in control of my happiness. Being real is so much better.



So this tip must be number five: Don’t settle for distractions and control as the glue that holds your relationship together. Be responsible for your actions and expect the same from your other. If there isn’t money for another pair of shoes, don’t demand them anyway. If you truly “need” that fabulous but expensive pair of shoes in order to feel happy, don’t settle, look deeper inside yourself. Distractions are never as satisfying as real emotional growth.


Tip number six is a secret to lasting, meaningful relationships: Value intimacy. Yes, I mean sex. Making love to your partner boosts chemicals in your brain that support your connection. But don’t think of intimacy as only physical. Work to be so close to your loved one that you cherish him or her. You’re a part of each other at that point because you’ve shown respect, adored who he or she really is, done personal work, and are a fully individuated individual.


Just before I take off my fake relationship expert glasses, I’ll share my last tip: Cultivate fun and laughter. In the business of living, we can go for days without having any fun or laughing out loud. Share jokes, music, art, whatever makes you smile. Let your relationship expand to a point you never expected it could go.



About Lynn Crandall

Lynn Crandall started spinning stories as a child when she tried to entertain her younger sister at night when they were supposed to be going to sleep. In the dark, her stories typically took on a scary or paranormal element — didn’t do much to put her and her sister to sleep. Today, she hopes here stories still fail to put readers to sleep, but rather take them on a journey. That’s what she’s been on since she decided to make writing her focus. As a reporter and magazine feature writer, she truly enjoys learning as she works on stories. As a romance writer, she enjoys following an evolving story of her characters. She loves to tell stories about characters who don’t back down and use their challenges to grow.

Find more about her and her books at her website: