What is it about early mornings and late nights?

I’ve always heard that creativity increases at night. Something about the circadian rhythm and the frontal cortex of your brain.

I believe it. I’ve experienced it. Some of my best writing has been at night or the early mornings. Come to think of it, maybe all of my good writing has.

I’ve taken days off where I had nothing better to do and planned on doing nothing but write. Unfortunately, I’d spend hours pacing the floors, trying to write, attempting to find something constructive to do because I had no plans that day but to stay home, maybe even in my PJs and write. (Today was one of those days). I wait for that special muse to hit me but only once the sun goes down do I find it there, in all its glory. And boy is it worth waiting for.

The best description I’ve found for this phenomenon is here:

It basically says once night rolls around, after your body has spent all its energy on new information and if there’s anything left that isn’t tired, your mind is free to think. That makes sense. Unfortunately, during the work day, the rest of my body is just as tired as my mind and I’m ready to get to bed. I’m more creative on the weekends or days (nights) I’ve taken off.

It also says the same effect can be had with alcohol, as long as it’s not too much. A little alcohol makes us relax, after all. So maybe it isn’t a bad thing I like a glass of wine or two while writing, huh?

What about you? When is your best writing? What do you think of our circadian rhythm?