Is Your Character Based on you? by Beverly Bateman

Today I have Beverly Bateman on my blog, author of A Cruise to Remember, with her guest post about characterization. I loved this post. It cracked me up (especially the sex scene part) because as an author, yes I have been asked that question millions of times, and I love her commentary. So, without further ado, here’s what she has to say! And be sure to check out her book and buy links at the bottom of her post.

Bev 1
Is Your Character Based on you? by Beverly Bateman

How many times have you heard that question? Or what do you base your sex scenes on? (Wink – wink) I always love that one. But that’s okay, if they think my husband is the model for my sex scenes who am I to ruin that image.

But seriously, how do you decide on you characters? Do you base them on someone you know? Or as a reader what do you like to see in a character?

I have used people I know, occasionally. Usually it’s because they’re irritating or have done something that I would like to get even with them for – so I give them small parts in my book and torture them or kill them.
But most of my characters come out of my mind, as do my plots. Being a plot based writer I come up with a plot I love, then I decide what type of heroine would work in that situation. I do a character chart to develop her background.
My hero has to be her opposite so they can accent the positives in each other and bring them to view for my readers. They also need to complement each other to help each other grow and reach their goals. And of course they have to have a strong physical attraction for each other. They may not be prepared to admit it yet, but that’s part of the mystery of love.

In A Cruise to Remember I came up with an amnesia victim who people were trying to kill. Then I had to have a motive for why someone would want to kill her. I slowly worked through who would be the best character to be the heroine in this book.
Ah, and then we had to find a hero worthy of her. I hope I managed both.

My villain should be someone who understands either/or the heroine or the hero. He needs to be their match when to motivation and the plot. He needs to bring out the hero/heroine’s best points and he needs to have a motive that people can relate to, even if they don’t agree with what he does.

The really hard part is to make my character come alive for my reader, make them someone they can relate to and root for. And nope, none of my characters are based on me, or my husband. I know others use characters based on themselves or individuals they know well and it works for them. Every writer uses their own individual technique that’s what makes so many diverse good books.

I’d love to hear your comments on how you develop your characters, or what you think about the character development when you read a book.

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An amnesia victim, found by the side of the road is befriended by an older woman with early Alzheimer’s. The woman takes the victim, Hallie, with her as a companion on a Caribbean cruise, Eric is an Interpol agent working on breaking up an international jewelry theft ring. He’s undercover as the ship’s doctor on a Caribbean cruise. Sparks fly when Hallie and Eric meet, but as the cruise progresses he’s thinking Hallie might be the thief stealing from the passengers. His reasoning is amnesia and Alzheimer’s make a good cover, and Lillian keeps coming up with pieces of jewelry passengers have dropped or lost. To complicate everything someone is trying to kill Hallie and she has no idea why. Eric. Lillian finds an older cowboy a who she’s interested in and then there’s the sleazy man who keeps hitting on Hallie. As the cruise progresses Hallie gradually starts to regain her memory. Eric decides she’s not a thief but has to find the real one and their romance heats up.

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Almost Married, by Roe Valentine

Today I have Roe Valentine visiting us today. Author of Almost Married. Continue reading below to find out more about her fascinating book, and I welcome her guest post where she talks about overcoming disappointments!

Thanks for visiting us today, Roe!

AlmostMarriedTourBanner4 (2)

Realist, Dr. Carla Harris, believes that people create their own fate, through hard work and careful planning. She believes in playing things safe. But, while preparing for her upcoming nuptials she’s forced to confront the most reckless thing she’s ever done, her estranged husband, Jacob.
Idealist Jacob Moreau believes in soul mates, as much as he believes in saving endangered companies. When his long lost wife reenters his life seeking a divorce, he is convinced more than ever they are meant to be together. And he will do—and lose—anything to have her again.
She thought she had her life planned to perfection. He thought they made perfect sense together. Would marrying Jacob be the craziest thing she’s ever done, or divorcing him?

You can add Almost Married to your to-read list on Goodreads

Title: Almost Married
Author: Roe Valentine
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: 27 January 2013

About the Author:

Roe Valentine was born into the right family. Not only does the name Valentine suit her, but her grandmother, unknowingly, introduced the young Ms. Valentine to her first romance novel. She hasn’t read anything else since. She calls herself a romantic at heart and believes that love conquerors all.

The San Antonio native, who now lives in Houston, attempted to write her first contemporary romance novel when she was nineteen years old. That attempt didn’t take, but her story has a happy ending. She kept pursuing the dream until she landed her first publishing contract. Almost Married is her debut novel.

When not busy writing or reading love stories, Roe can often be found in a yoga class or chatting with friends at her favorite coffee shop. Enjoying margaritas with some girl-talk isn’t unusual for her either. For a night in, she watches reruns of her favorite TV shows and, of course, romantic comedies on her Roku, usually with a glass of wine.

Roe Valentine also LOVES talking to readers. You can contact her in the following ways:
– Email –

There is a tour wide giveaway for the blog tour of Almost Married. Here is what you can win: 2 e-copies of Almost Married by Roe Valentine

a Rafflecopter giveaway

What I learned from a big disappointment, by Roe Valentine

Let’s face it, disappointments are inevitable. As a writer, I’ve learned to take my disappointments in stride, because there are a lot of them. Whether it’s disappointment in myself or disappointment that a publisher I want to write for has rejected me (again for the umpteenth time), there is always a silver lining. That’s right, disappointments—in my opinion—are the bumps in the road that actually force you to grow.

This reminds me of when I wrote my first novel when I was 19. I was a sophomore in college and spent the better of the summer sitting in my dorm typing away into the wee hours of the morning, sometimes missing class. When I was finished, I sent it off to all the lines of Harlequin and Silhoutette—of course without proofreading/revising. Back then you sent everything via snail mail, and for months I checked the mail waiting for a response. For some reason I was so sure I would get a contract. And when I didn’t, I was devastated. I don’t remember how many rejection letters I got, all I knew was I decided to give up on writing. But the thing was, I really wanted to be a romance writer. I thought it was a calling. I was so disappointed that all my hard work ended in failure, I put that dream aside for many years. When I was mature enough, I realized, those rejections were the best thing that could have happened. Once I got over the bruised ego, I was able to see that disappointments are a gift.

I say this because, in terms of my rejected novel, I was finally able to see where I was going wrong. I was finally able to see what I needed to work on to get to where I wanted to be, which is published. It was inevitable that I would be rejected that first time, because the novel was quite awful; it makes me cringe when I at a look at it. But, because I was able to learn from the experience, I am now living my dream.

Great post, Roe Valentine! It reminds me a lot of what I went through. Thanks for being my guest today!

And don’t forget to enter to win!

Merging Genres, Guest Post by Andrea R. Cooper

Today, I am featuring Andrea R. Cooper as a guest, who talks about merging genres. But first, a little about Andrea:

Andrea Growing up in Houston, Texas, Andrea has always created characters and stories. But it wasn’t until she was in her late twenties that she started writing novels.

What happened that ignited the writing flame in her fingers? Divorced, and disillusioned by love songs and stories. They exaggerate. She thought. Love and Romance are not like that in the real world. Then she met her husband and realized, yes love and romance are exactly like the songs and stories say. She is now a happy wife, and a mom to three kids (two boys and a girl).

Andrea writes paranormal and historical romance. When not writing or reading, one may find Andrea dancing in Zumba.
She believes in the power of change and counting each moment as a blessing. But most importantly, she believes in love.

Merging Genres, called hybrid genres or cross-genre, is not a new phenomenon. Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet is a romantic tragedy. Star Wars is a blending of Science Fiction (space, spaceships, etc.) with Fantasy elements (The Force, Princess rescuing, etc.).

Romance writers have been merging genres for years. Romance with suspense and/or crime becomes a romantic suspense novel. Paranormal romance is, typically, has one main character is a nonhuman and the other is human. Historical romance subdivided into eras or even time-travel.

There are many mixed genres some are: dark fantasy (fantasy and horror), comic science fiction or fantasy (comedy with science fiction or fantasy), tragicomedy (tragedy and comedy). I know tragedy and comedy sound like opposites, the 1956 movie The Visit incorporates both of these.

Newer hybrids are science fiction horror or crime and horror. So how would a crime and horror novel work? One example would be a crime with a villain who is a monster or demon.

Another example of a hybrid genre is a fantasy and paranormal like mine, The Garnet Dagger. The world, magic, and quest are all fantasy. The hero, though Elvin (fantasy character), is bitten by a vampire (paranormal character) and becomes an amalgam: the Vaer. Instead of craving blood, it is the life-essence or soul he devours by touch.

Now that you know a little about what merging genres, how do you write one?

• Think/Imagine the story you want to tell. The characters, setting, etc.

Or outline. Whatever you do for your writing now, try that. Alternatively, do the opposite if you feel stuck. Brainstorm about the different genres. It would be best in my opinion to start with two you love.

• Write the story. Don’t try and force a hybrid. Let the story flow.

• Re-read the story to see if it flows, or to sprinkle in more elements from another genre. For example, on my historical romance, Viking Fire, one of the villains is a spy in the clan. I didn’t plan this, but I let it come naturally as I wrote. When I did the edits, I added in a little more detail to amplify this aspect.

• Don’t overdo it. Unless the story logically takes both genres equally, it would be best to start with one main one and add more of the secondary genre as needed.

• Read other hybrid genres. See what other authors have done. Write down what you like and don’t like about their mixing.

You might not have to start from scratch if the task of merging genres is too daunting. Dig up an old manuscript you have in a drawer or an unfinished one. Read it over with the thought of adding another element to it. Recently, I did this with a Native American historical romance I wrote years ago, and adding in a paranormal aspect slipped in easily.

I cannot stress the value of another opinion or more. If you are thinking of creating blended genres, ask a source you trust or several. A critique group, beta readers, etc. are excellent resources when trying something different.

If the idea of hybrid genres appeals to you, do research, practice, read. Perhaps you’ll discover a new merging of genres that is as unique as you are.

Viking Fire
Viking Fire Blurb:
Chapter One Ireland 856 CEIn 856 CE, Ireland is a land of myth, magic, and blood. Viking raiders have fought the Irish for over half a century. Rival Irish clans promise only betrayal and carnage.
Kaireen, daughter of Laird Liannon, is suddenly forced into an arranged marriage with her sworn enemy, a Viking. She refuses to submit. With no mention of love, only land and the protection of her clan, she endeavors to get her betrothed banished from her country. Will love find its way around her stubborn heart?

Bram, the Viking, finds himself without future or inheritance as a younger son in his family. A marriage to the Laird’s daughter would grant him land if he swears fidelity and if his men will fight along with the Liannons against any foe—Irish or Viking. However, the Laird’s feisty daughter only holds animosity for him and his kind. Is marriage worth the battle scars of such a relentless opponent?

With the blame for a rival laird’s death treacherously set against the Liannons, Kaireen and Bram must find a way to lay aside their differences as an unforeseen darkness sends death snapping at their heels.

Viking Fire Excerpt:
Chapter One Ireland 856 CE

“I renounce Father for this.” Kaireen threw the elderberry gown. Dressed only in her
leine, she glared at the new gown on the stone floor.

“Shame on you and your children for speaking such.” Her handmaid, Elva, gathered the damask and then dusted off the rushes. “It’s a wonder one of the clim has not scolded you from your hearth for such talk.” She wore her white hair twisted in a chignon, underneath a linen head cloth. Strands of white hair poked out the sides of her covering.

“No, curse Father for a fool.” She plopped on her bed and a goose feather floated away. With a huff, she leaned against the oak headboard. Red curtains puffed like a robin’s chest around oak poles supporting her wooden canopy.

Her bare feet brushed against the stone floor. Why was she not born plain like her two older sisters? Already they had married and expected their second bairns by spring. Well, at least so far she had enjoyed twenty years of freedom. Neither of her sisters had had matrimonial dreams of love matches. Both were arranged marriages.

“You know your da arranged a marriage within a season.” Elva smirked.

Kaireen shook her head. “To another land holder,” and waved a hand in disgust, “not t-this heathen. Twice they raided our land in the last month alone. Many a raid has come from them. Now father wants me as wife to one of them?” She clenched her fists. “No, I will not marry this Viking.”

Elva smiled, reminding Kaireen of the rumors of her handmaid’s uncanny foresight.
Whispers of Elva making strange things happen and often blamed as the cause of
Kaireen’s stubborn refusal to behave as a laird’s daughter should.

“You’ve not seen him yet.” Elva wiggled her brows.

“So?” Kaireen shrugged. “I would like to never see him.”

“Well then, would you not like to know if you have a handsome husband or not?” She waited for her response, but Kaireen scowled at her. Elva chuckled. “I would rather get a good look at him now than the morning after.”

Kaireen’s ears heated. “I am not marrying.” She shook her head for emphasis. “So there will be no morning, nor night, nor wedding.”

“If he is handsome, I may fight you for him.” Elva smiled, deepening the wrinkles around her eyes.

“Welcome to him either way.” Kaireen laughed.

Viking Fire Buy Links:

Barnes and Noble


The Garnet Dagger The Garnet Dagger Blurb: Everyone knows what happens when a vampire bites a human…but what if the victim is Elvin?

Forbidden to cross the Elvin barrier into human lands, Brock cannot sate his curiosity. Cursed by a vampyre bite that forces him to feed on the life-essence of others, he is unable to touch another without taking their life. Chained by prophesy, he must find a witch, pierce her heart, and draw her blood for his cure.

Celeste must escape the monks who have held her prisoner for years. Her magic has been kept dormant by her captors. An ancient powerful Warloc craves her powers. If he succeeds in devouring her magic, she and his world will die.

When Brock falls in love with Celeste before realizing her demise is his cure, will love triumph over his desire to be healed? Will he risk everything to save her from a Warloc, an oath breaker, who also wants her dead?

The Garnet Dagger Excerpt:I’ve known death. For over half a millennia, I escorted many to death at the end of my sword. In the eyes of the dying, I watched it shroud them. Foolishly, I thought many more eras would pass before death came for me. It came so swiftly that I could not run; I could not escape. At a village, dressed in human clothes, I took in everything. By observing for eons, I understood and spoke their language. The world of mankind fascinated me. Their hobbled homes burrowed into the ground.

Rocks crunched on top one another with thatched roofs woven from straw. Never had I seen a home or inn that was higher than three levels, as if they were afraid of the sky. I delayed my return to my people as I watched human jugglers bounce torches and knifes. It was autumn equinox and the festivities would continue well into the night. Children laughed as they chased each other. A trail of leaves from their costumes twirled after them. It was dark when I reached the forest. Since I was already late, I hiked uphill to a shortcut rather than take the long path back home. I didn’t need to alert any of my kind near the barrier at this hour. Liana would wonder why I was late.

Tonight was the two month anniversary of our hand twining ceremony. One more month as was custom, and then we’d be wed. A gasp rustled through the trees. The roots shot a warning through to me with stifled caution. Adjusting my pack, I continued on instead of changing back into my Elvin clothes. After I passed the border which kept humans from entering our land, then I’d change. In the distance, I heard a groan. Curious, I spun in the direction of the sound. The autumn wind breezed through my worn human clothes, chilling me. But someone needed help. I turned in the direction of the sounds. Whatever made the noise should be a few yards ahead.

I hiked slower than my normal speed, so as not to startle whatever human called out. My leather boots crunched upon dried, diseased leaves and bark. Horrified, I glanced up. Branches twisted around each other to suffocating. Lifeless limbs cracked in the wind. Flesh of the trees sloughed off in layers, exposing its bones. Gashes hollowed out chunks of warmth. Fragments of leaves clung to finger tips, marking sepulchers of the dying trees. Trees mourned with wails like splitting wood, and I brought my hands over my ears. I must flee before I became infected, they told me. Flee before the stain of this defilement creeps into you, they warned. Trees spoke to my kind, always had. Yet these trees were in such agony of death that I could not breathe. Felt as though my lungs had folded in on themselves, like a moth unable to break loose from its cocoon.

Nothing I could do for them, and if I lingered too long, whatever disease gnawed upon them may choke me. Where would I go if I carried something so foul as to devour trees from the inside out? I’d never return to Tamlon if I brought this infection with me. I drew away, but a movement at the base of a decaying tree to my right caught me. My night vision picked up the sight of a human. His sallow face seemed to glow in the moonlight. Poking out from rags lay his arms and legs, which resembled skin stretched over sticks. So cadaverous was his face, I’d have thought him dead if he hadn’t moved.

“Please,” he said and his voice sounded like cicada’s vibrations, “help me.”

“What ails you in this troubled place?” I wondered if my voice, foreign to my ears in speaking the human’s language, revealed my nature.

“I am lost.” His dark eyes crinkled around the corners. “Without strength to rise. If you would but assist me up, I’ll be on my way.”

I’d never touched a human on purpose before. Was it that that gave me pause, or dread that stilled my heart? My feet itched to flee. As soon as I helped him, then I’d leave. I gritted my teeth and reached a hand down.

His gnarled fingers snapped on my arm, making me wince. Jerking me forward, his face contorted. Surprised by his strength, I fell beside him. Blackness curled around me. Teeth, fangs, broke through the skin on my neck. Then I knew him for what he was, a vampyre.

The Garnet Dagger Buy Links:
Barnes and Noble

Twitter: @AndreaRCooper
Author Website:

Miranda Pike Koerner


I met Miranda years ago (6 or so maybe?) at a San Antonio Romance Writer’s conference. I’m convinced she was only there to meet me, because she isn’t a romance kind of girl, and I write romance. It was my first romance writer’s conference, and I was nervous. I didn’t know anyone and didn’t know what to expect.

Miranda sat right beside me after asking it if was okay. She had a friend with her, and I thought I’d still be alone because she had someone to talk to and I didn’t. But we immediately hit it off and we’ve been friends ever since.
