Dancing in the White Room, by Ute Carbone

Today I’m featuring Ute Carbone and her newest book, Dancing in the White Room!

Here’s more about the author and her story:

Dancing in the White Room (Document ) Dancing in the white room is slang for skiing or boarding in deep powder snow. The dancer is PD Bell, one of the best extreme skiers on the planet. Mallory Prescott, the woman who lives with him and loves him, is used to Bell’s exploits. A patrol woman at Whiteface Mountain near Lake Placid, New York, Mallory is no stranger to risk. But this time Bell is taking on the West Rib of Denali, highest and most dangerous mountain in North America. It’s a descent that has never been done, though it’s been tried. Five years ago, Bell had tried it. The attempt nearly killed him. Five years ago, he promised Mallory he wouldn’t try it again.
Over the six weeks in which he’s gone, Mallory begins to question her relationship with Bell. Does he really love her? Is he in it for the duration? What has loving him cost her? Mallory’s life choices are thrown into stark relief when her daughter Emily takes a terrible fall. Together with her life-long friend Creech Creches, she must work her way through a maze of uncharted territory at a hospital miles from home.
Dancing in the White Room is the story of the love we keep, the price we pay for that love, and the forgiveness it takes to hold on to what is precious.


Ute Carbon Biograhy:
Ute (who pronounces her name Oooh-tah) Carbone is an award winning author of women’s fiction, comedy, and romance. She and her husband live in New Hampshire, where she spends her days walking, eating chocolate and dreaming up stories.

Books and Stories by Ute Carbone:
Blueberry Truth
The P-Town Queen
Searching for Superman
Sweet Lenora
The Lilac Hour
To The Wind
Dancing in the White Room

For more about Ute and her books, Please Visit:
Web page: http://www.utecarbone.com/
Blog: http://ute-carbone.blogspot.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ute-Carbone/234417796596443
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Wildwords2
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5114798.Ute_Carbone
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Ute-Carbone/e/B005G7U8RM/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_pop_1
Love Stories (available daily via Paper Li): http://paper.li/Wildwords2/1355247882?utm_source=subscription&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=paper_sub#

What were you like at school?
I was kind of shy, and a little geeky.

Were you good at English?
Yup. I’ve always loved to read and English was one of my favorite classes.

What are your ambitions for your writing career?
Hmm, to keep writing. And to write the kind of books my readers will fall in love with.

Which writers inspire you?
It’s a very long list! I love to read and will read just about anything, including junk mail. There are so many great writers out there. If I had to pick, I’d say Willa Cather had a huge influence when I was younger. I also love Anita Shreve and Anne Tyler and Alice Hoffman. That’s just skimming the surface, though.

So, what have you written?
Quite a bit. To date, I have five novels out in the world—
Blueberry Truth, my debut novel, is upmarket or ‘book club’ fiction as is my brand new release, Dancing in the White Room.
I also have three romantic comedies out. The P-Town Queen is the most ‘decorated’ of my books (maybe because of the queen in the title?). It was selected as Champagne Books novel of the year last year, got a five star rating from InDtale and was nominated for a RONE award. It’s followed by two more—Afterglow and Searching for Superman, the latter of which got five stars from reader’s favorite. Another comedy, Confessions of the Sausage Queen, comes out in July.
I have an ongoing historical novella series, called Anton and Lenora. The first two novellas, Sweet Lenora and To the Wind, are currently available. Part three, All Things Returned, comes out in April. I’m currently working on part four.
And then there are some short stories—The Lilac Hour is a trilogy of linked short stories, currently available. Shroedinger’s Cake is part of the Wedding Anthology of stories about (you guessed it) weddings and Life at Full Speed is part of another anthology collection called Shared Whispers.
I also have lots of poems out in the world from my early days as a poet. Some of these are in anthologies—Poems from the Cranberry Room and Poet’s Unbound.

Where can we buy or see them?
My website has a page for each book which includes buy links–http://www.utecarbone.com/-books-and-stories.html

Give us an insight into your main character. What does he/she do that is so special?
Dancing in the White Room has characters that are near and dear to my heart. I grew up around skiing in the Adirondacks and the book is set in Lake Placid and the characters are all professional skiers. Mallory, my main character, is a strong woman, very competent, the kind of heroine I love to write about. Bell, her boyfriend, is an extreme skier and he’s gone for most of the book. It was a challenge to write a love story with one of the characters not in the picture. Then there’s Creech, a ski coach who is Mallory’s best friend and also her ex. I have a kernel of a book, an idea, that features Creech as the romantic lead, because I kinda fell for him while writing him.

What genre are your books?
That’s a tough one to answer, though I guess they all broadly fall into the category of women’s fiction. More specifically, some are romantic comedies, some are upmarket fiction and some are historical. There’s romance in most of them, though it isn’t always front and center. They are, though, all about love in one way or another.

What draws you to this genre?
I love stories that are about relationships and all of my stories reflect this, whether it’s the relationship of a mother to her child, a romantic relationship, or friendship, these things interest me and they are at the center of what I write.

Which actor/actress would you like to see playing the lead character from your most recent book?
That’s really a tough question. I can picture Bell and Mallory, but not the actors to portray them. Bell is tall, lanky blue eyed and with blond hair long and tangly enough to pull back. Mallory is athletic and compact, with smooth dark hair that she wears long also. Creech has a boy-next-door kind of quality, dimpled smile, short dark hair, eyes the color of evergreens. Maybe you could help me out with casting…

How much research do you do?
Quite a bit, actually. With White Room, I knew some things about skiing. I grew up with a small ski area in my backyard. (or just about). And, in my college days, I worked on ski patrol—so I knew a bit about that. But I had to look into extreme skiing and racing, which are a whole world unto themselves.

When did you decide to become a writer?
I’m a late bloomer. I began writing when my kids were small. It was something I’d always wanted to try.

Why do you write?
That’s a million dollar question.  On good days, I’ll answer because I love everything about it, the way words flow together, the characters that come to life, the painting of scenes and on and on. On bad days I wonder why I don’t just open a bagel shop because it seems like that, or just about anything else, would be easier.

What made you decide to sit down and actually start something?
I started with poetry. I joined a poetry group and, much to my surprise, they like my stuff. From there, I got involved in a creative writing workshop. I started out wanting to become a better poet and discovered I loved writing prose, go figure. I began writing short fiction pieces, the pieces got longer until one day I had to admit I was writing, gulp, a novel. I finished one and wrote another and then another. To date, I’ve written nine books, with more in the works. There are just too many stories for me to get to, so I don’t see myself stopping anytime soon.

Do you write full-time or part-time?
At the moment, I’m writing full time—or working at writing full time at any rate.

Do you have a special time to write or how is your day structured?
Not as structured as I’d like it to be. I struggle to find balance. Ideally, I spend an hour each day working on new stuff, but it doesn’t always pan out that way.

Do you write every day, 5 days a week or as and when?
Every day if I can manage it.

Do you aim for a set amount of words/pages per day?
About an hour. I’m not super fast, so that gives me a thousand words, give or take. But some of the words aren’t great,so I end up deleting and re-writing them.

Do you write on a typewriter, computer, dictate or longhand?
I write my first drafts long hand. They are terrible and messy. Then I re-work them onto the computer. It’s a back and forth kind of process.

How do you think you’ve evolved creatively?
I’m a better writer today than I used to be, technically speaking. Which, I think, allows me to do things I wouldn’t have attempted in the past.

What is the hardest thing about writing?
Sitting down and doing it. 

What was the hardest thing about writing your latest book?
White Room’s emotional tenor was tough. I’m kind of a method writer– I like to imagine myself in the character’s shoes and get right inside their heads. My main character, Mallory, is, for parts of the book, in some pretty uncomfortable places emotionally speaking and it wasn’t always fun to take myself to those places so I could get the feeling right. But, spoiler alert, she does get her happy ending, so all’s well that ends well.

What is the easiest thing about writing?
Having written. Actually, if I can get myself into ‘the zone’ and the center of my story, it gets to be kind of fun. Like skiing fast, LOL.

Do you ever get writer’s Block?
I have had it from time to time, yes.

Any tips on how to get through the dreaded writer’s block?
Often, the best cure is hair of the dog. I just write anyway and tell myself that I have a trash can and a delete button. Sometimes, I challenge myself to write crap, which takes off the pressure of trying to be perfect. Sometimes I’ll start my writing with a list of ten reasons why I shouldn’t write. And then I’d write anyway to defy myself.

For your own reading, do you prefer ebooks or traditional paper/hard back books?
I used to be a confirmed print book reader. I liked trade paperbacks, because I could stick them in my purse and take them with me. Then I got a Kindle Fire and I love it. I read almost everything in e-book these days.

What book/s are you reading at present?
I just finished What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarity, which was wonderful and fun. Currently, I’m reading Michael Chabon’s The Yiddish Policeman’s Union. I have a bad case of metaphor envy, Chabon uses them so well. My favorite read so far this year was “Tell the Wolves I’m Home” which made me cry. A lot.

Tell us about the cover/s and how it/they came about.
The covers are designed by the houses. I have some input as to what I think might work on the cover. I love the cover for White Room—it has nice clean lines and a lot of energy. I just received a cover for All Things Returned, romantic and very pretty, I’m not quite ready to share but I’m in love with this one, too. My favorite is probably the cover of Blueberry Truth. I wasn’t sure what I wanted and suggested something like a swing set, because the book is about adopting a child. The cover has a little girl doing a cartwheel. It’s exactly right and perfect for the book.

How do you market your books?
Not well enough, LOL. Seriously, I’m on social media, I blog and do guest blogs like this one. I usually do a blog tour when a new release comes out. And I try and get reviews wherever I can and network with other writers.

Why did you choose this route?
The small houses give me the best of both worlds. They’re small enough so I’m not swallowed up and forgotten—I know authors who’ve had that experience with big houses. And they give me editing and cover art and so on, so I don’t have to go it all alone the way self-pubbed authors do.

Do you have any advice for other authors on how to market their books?
Not really. It’s a changing market, so I think we’re all trying to figure it out.

What part of your writing time do you devote to marketing your book?
Quite a bit. I do try to set an hour or more aside for actual writing—no disruptions, no e-mail, no social media. After that, I spend another three or four hours working on promo and edits.

What do you do to get book reviews?
I usually ask for them. There are a few people I’ve established relationships with. I’m always on the lookout for new book bloggers. I also list my books on Good Reads.

What are your thoughts on good/bad reviews?
I’ve had both. I’ve actually had both for the same book. I try not to let it turn me around. Reviews are someone’s opinion and not everyone is going to love your story. That said, a great review always does make me feel great. And a bad review can make for a bad day.

Any amusing story about marketing books that happened to you?
I found one of my books listed on a site that was advertised as a clearing house for refrigerators. I’m still scratching my head.

What do you think of “trailers” for books?
They are one more tool in the box. I like them, though I think they’re only good in conjunction with other marketing.

Do you have a trailer or do you intend to create one for your own book/s?
(* please provide a link to trailer if you have one)
I have trailers for all my books. If you’re interested, you can find them on you-tube: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfjFxYyboGoxKL3JWG3Q0TA?feature=watch
Note-some of the stuff here isn’t mine. I love the ski videos. 

How do you relax?
I like to read. I also love to hike and ski and just walk around in the woods. I love plays and movies, too.

What is your favourite book and why?
I don’t know that I have a favorite. If you press me, I’ll probably have to say To Kill a Mockingbird.

What is your favourite quote?
“I think it pisses God off if you walk by the color purple in a field somewhere and don’t notice it.”
― Alice Walker, The Color Purple

What is your favourite film and why?
So many come to mind. I loved “One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest.” And “Dr. Zhivago”

Where can you see yourself in 5 years time?
I’ll still be sitting here, writing up stories. I’ve got lots to tell.

What is your favourite movie and why?
Recently? I loved August Osage County. I had seen the play earlier and the movie was even better.

What advice would you give to your younger self?
Be yourself and don’t worry so much about what others think.

Which famous person, living or dead would you like to meet and why?
Albert Einstein. Maybe he could explain relativity to me.

If you could have been the original author of any book, what would it have been and why?
I don’t know I’d have want to have written someone else’s book, though I do admire some writers and wish I could do what they do or did. Willa Cather is a great example. Her descriptions are so real. I want to do that. And Michael Chabon writes perfect metaphors. I want to do that, too.

What advice would you give to aspiring writers?
Read a lot. And then sit down and write a lot. Don’t think about writing and read about writing and talk about writing. Just write. Don’t expect to be great at first. Like everything worthwhile, good writing takes practice.

Where do you see publishing going in the future?
Shoot, if I knew that I’d be worth millions, LOL. Seriously, I think we’ll see more e-books, though I don’t think print will go away anytime soon.

Is there anything else you would like to add that I haven’t included?
My Books–
Blueberry Truth
The P-Town Queen
Searching for Superman
Sweet Lenora
The Lilac Hour
To The Wind
Dancing in the White Room

Thank you very much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to take part in this interview.

Knockout! by Emma Calin

KDP SBB Knockout Banner copy

Knockout! by Emma Calin is free at Amazon this week only!

Emma will be awarding an autographed copy of Shannon’s Law to one randomly drawn commenter during the tour. Click banner or follow here!

Knockout 2013 rationalised


A Mafia conspiracy. A female undercover cop. Her target: international sportsman and playboy Freddie La Salle.

Can she fake it? Can she nail the gangsters before her cover is blown? What happens when his charm kicks in, passion takes control and she falls for this charismatic suspect?

KNOCKOUT! The No 1 Kindle Bestseller from Emma Calin

Interpol cop, Anna Leyton, spirals down into a hopeless vortex of sexual and emotional turmoil as she fights to keep her professional cool. But who is deceiving who in this fast moving ride across continents? What motivates the art loving prize-bull of a lover Freddie La Salle?

An action-filled pulse-pounding adventure novel. A tense and erotic romantic affair. Can a relationship survive when it is founded on deceit? Can she prove her man is innocent? Can she escape with her life and her love?

The power of love and trust stands against greed and crime as conflicting forces grapple for that KNOCKOUT punch.

Authors note: This book is quite ‘strongly flavoured’ and features uninhibited, but straightforward steamy sexual scenes between consenting adults and true-to-life street language that would occur in high-stress situations.

He looked at her with a caress in his brown eyes. The cab was at Hyde Park Corner, just a short way from the Hilton. Her heart hammered. Soon he would step out into the night and never see her again. It had to be that way. You could dream but your story was your story. Better just accept and live it out any way you could.

“You have to sell boats tonight?”

“No… but…”

“So sell me one over a drink at my hotel!” he urged leaning forward, “Surely you want to close on a deal like this?”

She tried to pull herself together. This was fantasy trash with an impossible guy – but what was she afraid of? She could handle this smooth operator, maybe even rough him up a bit.

“But I – I don’t have any brochures with me…”

“Then you can tell me… I’d rather look at you in any case!”

Anna gulped as the cab pulled up. This was pure snake oil and she had a juicy apple in her pocket. He looked at her with questioning eyes that ran between her and the opened door. She followed, feeling as if she had gone into free fall from a plane rather than stepping out of a taxi into the busy swirl of Park Lane.

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MEDIA KIT Emma Calin

Author Bio:

Novelist, philosopher, blogger, poet, would be master chef. A woman pedaling between Peckham & Pigalle, in search of passion & enduring romance.

Emma Calin writes romance novels and gritty short stories about love and survival in the 21st century. She has published a number digital and paperback books which are available from Amazon worldwide.

She blogs about her dual life in St-Savinien sur Charente in South West France and Romsey, a market town in England. She feels extremely lucky to be able to experience the world and life through these two, very different, lenses. She spends any time she can, when not writng, on her tandem exploring the countryside.

Emma also records and produces audio books and plays the trombone (although not at the same time).
Find Emma Calin online:

Mailing list for latest launch news: http://eepurl.com/Jfhxr

Blog: http://www.emmacalin.blogspot.com

Website: http://www.emmacalin.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/emma.calin

Twitter: https://twitter.com/EmmaCalin

Amazon UK page: http://astore.amazon.co.uk/realifaccto02-21

Amazon USA page: http://astore.amazon.com/realifaccto09-20

About.me: http://about.me/emmacalin

Interview with Cassandra Ulrich

Welcome Cassandra Ulrich on my blog today! I’ve interviewed her about her novel, Love’s Intensity. But first, a bit about her story:

Loves Intensity
Brad loves fast horses, cars, and bikes. Life would be perfect if his stepmother could only mind her own business. Instead, his father hired a longtime friend and her family to work in their home, turning his world into a feudal mess.

He wants to hate the new arrivals and it doesn’t help that Kressa, daughter of the newcomers, is the most gorgeous girl he’d ever laid eyes on. With a scent that draws him to her, Kressa causes him more internal conflict than he ever dreamed possible. He falls for her so deeply, he tells her a secret he’d never even told his best friends – that he’s training to be a ninja warrior.

Kressa adores her country and loves hanging out with her many cousins. News of the move to Massachusetts comes as a shock to her. She refuses to be happy in this new place working as a servant for a rich man and his mean son, who had the nerve to be cute. And why does her skin tingle every time her hand brushes against his?

Despite her efforts, she finds herself desperately longing for a friendship with the one boy who scowls at her. Matters are only made more complicated when his family and hers clash. When he goes on a dangerous mission, she wonders, will he return so she can tell him he’s won her heart or will their families manage to keep them apart?

What intrigues you about your book “Love’s Intensity”?
I am intrigued by the complex and realistic characters in “Love’s Intensity”. It’s not easy to make characters multi-dimensional, but it’s worth the extra effort.

Who or what is your greatest writing influence?
My fifth grade teacher encouraged me to write after reading one of my stories. I didn’t act on it then, but I’ve never forgotten. I’m glad I took his advice albeit many years later.

When did you absolutely know that you had to be a writer?
I didn’t. Writing books happened to me. I didn’t know what was going on until I talked to a couple of good friends who encouraged me to write a chapter and let them read it.

What was your favorite part of writing “Love’s Intensity”?
Letting the characters take over my mind so I could capture their essence on paper. I got to know each of them very well over a nine month period.

What is your favorite aspect of reading a novel?
I enjoy being sucked into the world created in the story. It’s thrilling when the author writes characters I wish I could meet.

Are you a plotter, a panster, or both?
I am definitely a panster. Only after much of a story is written do I write down character details and such. I’m driven by inspiration.

Do you have a certain theme in your writing?
Love. Love can heal broken hearts and wounded souls. Love can lift the spirits but the lack of it can tear apart a life. People fight to have it, protect it, or steal it. I’ve written inspirational, romance, and adventure stories, but the central theme in them all is love.

Do you have a specific writing style?
Perhaps the best description is periodic. My stories tend to have a few climaxes with increasing intensity.

Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?
That both our words and actions affect others, for good or for bad. The specifics are depicted in the stories.

Do you ever use your life experiences in your novels?
Absolutely, but not in the exact way they happened. It’s more like taking a puzzle piece, cutting it up, and combining them with other pieces to create a different picture.

If you were stranded on a deserted island and could only take one book with you, what would you take?
The Bible. There are so many juicy stories in there about human interaction. I never get bored.

If you were stranded on a deserted island and could only take one song with you, what would you take?
Happy by Pharrell Williams.

Are you working on any projects right now?
Yes, a few stories concurrently. However, I hope to focus on a story about a South African girl later this year.

Do you see writing as a career?
I do. Although I’m just getting started, I treat it like a business. Now that I’ve had a taste, I don’t want to stop releasing books, stories and poetry.

If you had the career of your choice, what would you choose and why?
At this point in my life, I’d like to be an accomplished author.

Do you recall how your interest in writing originated?
I started writing poems in grade school. This continued on through my college years. I actually have four unpublished poetry books that I intend to release over the next couple years.

Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?
Keeping pov straight when writing in 3rd person. Thank goodness for editors who catch those errors.

What advice would you give to your younger self?
Never stop reinventing yourself. It’s tons of fun if you don’t mind adventures.

Which famous person, living or dead would you like to meet and why?
I would like to meet Queen Latifah. She seems like a really neat, down-to-earth person.

If you could have been the original author of any book, what would it have been and why?
Wow, that’s a tough one. I enjoy many kinds of books, but if I wrote them, they wouldn’t be the same story. I think I’ll abstain.

How can readers discover more about you and you work?

Website: http://cassandraulrich.com/
Blog: http://cassandraulrich.blogspot.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CassandraUlrichAuthor?bookmark_t=page
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CassandraUlric1
Lnkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/cassandra-ulrich/62/866/6b3
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/288793394825730035/
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Cassandra-Ulrich/e/B008H7H6SW/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1393121477&sr=8-1
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6925111.Cassandra_Ulrich

Honor Among Orcs Cover Reveal

Honor Among Orcs

by Amalia Dillin 

Designed by: Melissa Stevens (Website)

Publication Date: April 1, 2014

Series: Orc Saga, Book One

Genre: Fantasy (18+)

After nearly a decade as the king’s whipping-girl, Princess Arianna has no intention of going quietly into marriage to some treasonous noble, or serving obediently as the king’s spy until her death is more convenient. When she discovers a handsome orc, chained and trapped inside a magic mirror, Arianna cannot help but see a lasting freedom from her father’s abuse.

Left to rot inside a mirror by the king, Bolthorn never imagined his prayers would be answered by a princess. Nor did he ever expect to meet so worthy a woman after knowing her father’s cruelty. He needs her help to escape the mirror before the king marches against the orcs, but all he can offer Arianna is ice and darkness in exchange for her aid.

If Arianna can free the monster behind the glass, perhaps she might free herself, as well. But once they cross the mountain, there will be no return, and the deadly winter is the least of what threatens them on the other side. Romance blossoms in this gripping fantasy adventure.


He knew these woods, sparse as they had become, and when they broke, he knew the tundra of the foothills too. Just before dawn, he found the outcrop beneath which he had made a shelter his first night beyond the mountains, and though he did not dare to light a fire, the sedge made a soft bed.

After a meal of apples and cheese, the last of their food, Arianna curled against his side, sharing the fur, and rested her head on his shoulder. He tested her forehead for fever and breathed his relief when she did not burn against his palm.

She tugged his hand away, a small smile curving her lips. “You worry overmuch. There are still two days of warmth before I must fight your cruel winds. I will be well enough for your mountains by then.”

His fingers lingered against her skin and her smile faded. He traced the clan-markings on her cheek and her lips parted, her heart thrumming in his ears.

“Bolthorn –”

Up the bridge of her nose and over her eyebrow, the umber flaked from her skin, coloring his fingertip. Down along the line of her jaw, to the pulse point beneath. Her breathing hitched. He only wished the marks had reached her collarbone, to give him some excuse to trail his fingers across the smooth skin there.

“You make a beautiful orc.”

“Not a Vala?” she asked, her eyelashes sweeping across her cheek.

“The Vala cannot marry.” The sunlight caught in her hair, flashing reds within the rich brown and he smoothed the soft, wild strands from her face. “They cannot bear children, or know the touch of any kind of man after they have made their vows. They know only the ancestors and the mysteries they reveal.”

“Oh,” she breathed.

Oh. It was the first thing she had ever said to him, trembling against the stone. She trembled now, too. As she should, he thought, knowing herself within the arms of an orc. He closed his eyes and drew his hand back. This was a dangerous game to play with her so near, so vulnerable.

“Sleep well, princess,” he said, his jaw tight against his need. “You’ll want your strength.”

She made a noise in the back of her throat, but when he glanced at her, she had turned away.

About the Author

Amalia Dillin began as a Biology major before taking Latin and falling in love with old heroes and older gods. After that, she couldn’t stop writing about them, with the occasional break for more contemporary subjects. She lives in upstate New York with her husband, and dreams of the day when she will own goats–to pull her chariot through the sky, of course. 

Amalia is the author of the Fate of the Gods trilogy from World Weaver Press, and the soon to be released Orc Saga, coming April 1, 2014. You can learn more about her work at www.amaliadillin.com

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Kiss of Fire Book Trailer Reveal, by Rebecca Ethington

Kiss of Fire
by Rebecca Ethington

Joclyn Despain has been marred by a brand on her skin. She doesn’t know why the mark appeared on her neck, but she doesn’t want anyone to see it, including her best friend Ryland, who knows everything else about her. The scar is the reason she hides herself behind baggy clothes, and won’t let the idea of kissing Ryland enter her mind, no matter how much she wants to.
The scar is the reason she is being hunted.

If only she knew that she was.

If only she had known that the cursed stone her estranged father sent for her 16th birthday would trigger a change in her. Now, she is being stalked by a tall blonde man, and is miraculously throwing her high school bully ten feet in the air.

Joclyn attempts to find some answers and the courage to follow her heart. When Ryland finds her scar; only he knows what it means, and who will kill her because of it.

Are you ready to witness the awesomeness of this book trailer?


ADD TO GoodReads


Amazon † Barnes &Noble

For a limited time only get book two and three for 99¢

Eyes of Ember on Amazon
Scorched Treachery on Amazon
Also available on Barnes & Noble, iBooks, and Kobo Books. 

Book three was just recently released on February 17th 

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