I’m super excited today to introduce you to Billie Breeden. She’s a retired nurse, now following her dream as a business owner with Color Street, and she’s here to offer tips for success in business and relationships. Not only relationships with your spouse, partner, or family, but relationships with yourself!

Let’s give a shout out to Billie Breeden. Thank you for joining us today!

Billie Breeden Color Street Team Leader

by Billie Breeden, Color Street Team Leader

Hello! I am Billie Breeden. Thank you, Angela, for asking me to interview on your page.  I am a retired nurse and a business owner. I am a wife and mother and grandmother. My husband Jack and I have been married 40 years this July. We have had some wonderful years together, lots of adventure, and love each other as much or more as we did 40 years ago. Angela asked me if I had any relationship advice since I have been married so long. The best advice I can give is to pick your battles, don’t sweat the small stuff, give more than you receive, and support one another.

The best advice I can give is to pick your battles, don’t sweat the small stuff, give more than you receive, and support one another.

Here’s the thing—we all have faults and weaknesses. If we dwell on the faults of one another, however small or insignificant they might be, they can turn into big things. Is it that big of a deal if your husband throws his dirty socks in the bottom of the closet and leaves them there? It is aggravating, but in the grand scheme of things is it worth fighting about?

My husband has always been my greatest fan and supporter and I his as well. We both have an entrepreneurial spirit and have tried and failed at many things. But we are always there for each other, encouraging one another to try again. It takes commitment and dedication to make a relationship work.  I don’t believe you should expect more out of your spouse than you are willing to give. If you are keeping score on who has done the most, then failure is certain. Love one another deeply and give more than you receive.

I started my nursing career at the age of 22. I was a licensed vocational nurse for 17 years and I have been a registered nurse for 29 years. I went to RN school when I had 3 kids at home and worked full-time. I had to be very disciplined about studying, getting up at 5 in the morning while the kids were still sleeping, it was difficult at times, but well worth the sacrifice. Nursing was very good to me. It supported us many times over the years when my husband pastored small bi-vocational churches that could not afford to pay a full-time salary. The thing I loved the most about nursing is that you are there to support others at some of the happiest and some of the most difficult times of their lives. Seeing new life welcomed into the world was always a blessing. My last few years of nursing have been as a Director of Nursing in nursing homes. It is a very thankless job at times especially for the staff, but one thing I tried to instill in them was what a privilege and blessing we had to be able to help someone have hope and joy in the last days of their life.

I will be 68 this year. I hate saying that because it sounds really old. I don’t believe we are ever too old or too young to dream or accomplish our dreams.  I do believe age is what we make it out to be. Last year, I did my first half marathon at 67, and I did a second one in February this year. I gave up a successful career in nursing to start a business in direct sales because I saw the potential to achieve my dream of being a business owner. We are never too old to succeed at something if we are willing to do the hard things.  When I started training for the half marathon, I could barely walk a mile without getting out of breath. When I started my business in direct sales, I could barely talk to a stranger, much less sell them something. Unless we are willing to step outside of our comfort zone, we will never be successful. And we have to realize that success does not come without failure. I have failed many times, but I am not willing to give up my dreams because I have failed in the past. Our future is what we make of it.

We are never too old to succeed at something if we are willing to do the hard things. 

My business is called Nail Spice. It is a direct sales business with Color Street. I always said I would never sell anything because I am not a salesperson. I happened on Color Street at a craft show. At the time I was selling organic soaps and skin care products that I had made myself.  It was very difficult to sell, and I was not making money at all. The lady across from me was selling Color Street. I watched her all day. She had tons of people coming to her booth and trying and buying her products. I eventually made my way to her booth and tried a sample of Color Street and I was absolutely hooked! I always loved having pretty nails, but I hated regular polish because it was so much trouble and I despised going to the nail salon. I couldn’t stand the way fake nails felt and sitting in a noisy nail salon and paying that much money was just not my thing! To make a long story short, I was so obsessed with the fact that Color Street was 100% nail polish in a strip that went on dry with no tools or drying time and stayed on for 10-14 days,  I signed up a few days later to become a stylist.  I am now a Team Leader and have a team of 18 ladies under me! It is the most exciting thing I have done in a very long time and I am so passionate about it I think everyone should do it!! The great thing about Color Street as a business is you can go as far as you are wanting to go. Some people do it for a hobby and a little extra cash. Some, like me are making it their full-time business. It is just like any other business. It does take work and time and effort for it to grow. I am still learning, but here are a few things I have learned about being successful in life and business.

I am still learning, but here are a few things I have learned about being successful in life and business.

  1. Have a daily routine. I get up early every morning before my husband does. I have a devotional and prayer time and I journal my thoughts. After that, I spend at least 30 minutes reading or watching videos on personal development. I believe this is so important no matter what you do. Never stop learning and growing. After that, I usually cook breakfast. I have been doing this for my husband from the beginning. We always had breakfast when I was growing up and it is how I start my day off right.
  2. I spend several hours a day on my business. I work on social media posts, I do customer follow up, I mail out samples and stock orders, and look for ways to improve. I did this when I was still working full-time as a nurse. Again, you must be willing to do the hard things if you really want to be successful.
  3. Know your why. Why do I want to be successful I business? Why do you want to be a writer? Knowing your why is what will keep you going when times are difficult.
  4. Set goals. Short term and long term goals. And do something every day that moves you toward achieving those goals.
  5. Take care of yourself. Eat as healthy as you can, exercise several times a week, even if it is a leisurely walk, and enjoy your life and your family. Have some fun!

I would love for you to check the beautiful nail strips out at https://nailspice.com and if you would like to try a sample you can go to https://billiebreeden.com and click the sample link.

I am in the process of developing my personal website: billiebreeden.com.  (My husband is doing this for me, he is a multi-talented man!) My plan is to post business tips and motivational posts in addition to tips and tricks for my Color Street business. Check out billiebreeden.com for links to my business and social media accounts, and to request a sample. I would love to connect with you! My goal has always been to encourage others. I believe my purpose in life is to help others live their best life.

Thank you so much for joining us today, Billie!

I have to say, I have tried NailSpice and love them! I’m super hard on my hands as a writer, a gardener, and just housework and caring for animals, etc. NailSpice has been amazing to keep my nails looking great without hefty prices. And I absolutely love the creativity with Color Street names. Long Time no Sea and Are yo Madrid-ing me. How awesome is that? And a caveat: I do not make any type of commission on this or any other posts. Just trying to share real stories real people.

Thanks for stopping by. Next month we have Julia McKeena, CEO and founder of Managerine LLC. She’s got an amazing story, so be sure to check her out!