Dark Ride releases today!

Do you know what else releases today? Tailspin, from Sandra Brown. I love Sandra Brown. She’s my favorite author. So I will be celebrating my release by reading hers! I’m super excited and look foreword to this annual event. My husband always knows not to bother me when I’m reading her book, and I ordered the hardcover, hers is one of the only hardcovers I continue to order, and I will be patiently waiting for the mail to deliver my package!

So I’m celebrating my newest release with Sandra Brown. Yay!

But if you haven’t ordered Dark Ride yet, what are you waiting for? In the upcoming weeks, I will be sharing tidbits about the story and the characters, including character sketches. Be sure to subscribe to my newsletter for even more exclusive content!

Also, don’t forget you can continue to celebrate with me long after release day, by winning a Kindle and Gift Card! Be sure to enter the GIVEAWAY.