My garden did okay last year. Just okay. We didn’t get a lot of good, soaking spring rains that a garden loves and it got way too hot too fast. My soaker hose couldn’t keep up. But in the spring before it got too hot, my basil and dill flourished.

I love dill. I have a great hummus recipe and it’s fantastic. I also love dill on top of salads or added to homemade ranch.

I also love mint. If you’ve read Burn on the Western Slope about Reagan’s love for mint, that was a character trait based on me and my love for this luscious herb.

But I missed my opportunity to cut and freeze it or dehydrate my dill for later use, because it dried too quickly. It also dried so fast I wasn’t able to harvest it for seeds. And I admit I’m still a newbie when it comes to harvesting my own seeds.

I saw the signs that it was about to go to see, but I ignored it, figuring I had a few more days. I’ll get to it on the weekend when I’ve got more time.

That missed opportunity had me thinking about other missed opportunities in my life, and believe me I’ve had plenty. I wonder if we ever get those opportunities again. Part of me thinks no, although we might get similar ones. Maybe we’ll growing and learning and changing and those opportunities will be even better.

Or maybe not.

More dill can be planted. More seed can be sewn, and more garden can flourish this year. If I plant one, that is. This year’s dill will likely be just as good as last year’s. But that is no reason to wait on pursuing your dreams.

I’ve always wanted to write romance fiction, but I’ve always wanted to help inspire others to find their calling. I often wondered how I could do both. How in the world could I find time? How could I separate the two when I could barely keep up with one?

Then I asked myself, why separate them? Why not use my blog to help inspire others to reach for their dreams? Sometimes that might mean reaching for the moon and falling flat on out backs. Sometimes it might hurt, a lot. And likely we will cry at the pain (even if you’re like me and don’t cry often). But if we can’t dream, what’s the point, right?

Every day offers a new opportunity!

And speaking of missed opportunities, please SUBSCRIBE TO MY NEWSLETTER to read Burn on the Western Slope for free and read an announcement about some things I have coming up in the future! You can be part of this dream that I am slowly but surely building!

Thank you, and until next time!