True Blue SEALs: ZAK
SEAL Brotherhood Series
261 Pages
Published: February 20, 2016
Published by: AL Publications

Zak and Amy are destined for each other. After successfully passing the BUD/S training, and helping to stop a San Francisco terrorist attack, Zak goes to the arena of war with the rest of his SEAL Team 3 buddies, to return a changed man. Amy will have to negotiate the pain in her heart as she works to discover the man she loved going off to war is still the man of her dreams, and only if she can convince Zak he still is that man.
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    His hands smoothed up and down her upper arm as he stared at the ceiling. He’d made the first step to do something important with his life by becoming a Navy SEAL. His new family, the Brotherhood, healed and filled so many holes in his soul. He felt the honor of serving with men who would gladly die for him, without thinking about it. He was indeed one of the lucky ones. Now, he was about to do the next big thing in his life. He was “securing the target,” bringing Amy into his life not just as a girlfriend, but also as a mate and life partner. He’d even been honest with her. If she couldn’t take the intensity of his family now, couldn’t deal with the stress and loss and tears that sometimes came with the job, along with the joy of doing something more important than all of them, he’d have to walk away.
    And, as hard as it would be, he’d do it. He’d make sure he didn’t give up on his shot to become one of the best of the best, and to serve his country proudly with honor.
    They were to meet Carter at an omelet house for breakfast. He and Amy noodled around in the shower until they were going to be very unfashionably late. He was always the one to have to turn down the heat so they could keep to a schedule. Amy would have been fine just staying in bed the whole time.
    She made a point of showing him she wasn’t going to wear panties, “just in case.”
    “This is going to be a painful day for me, I can see.”
    “I have the cure for that pain,” she whispered.
    “Indeed you do.” Her hopeful face was seeking out a message he wasn’t going to give her. “You’re here to learn about my community. And before you tell me you learned all you need to know in that bed,” he pointed to the tussled sheets behind him, “I need to show you things. Things that are important for you to know. I’m doing this for you, Amy.” He added a smile he’d almost forgotten to show.
    She got that little flighty look as she continued dressing and then examining the floor, turning her head from side to side, the pouty smile on her face, just reminding him that he really wasn’t in control. “Zak, I hope you’re not tired of me already,” she whispered to her bright red toes.
    “Not a chance, sweetheart.” He grabbed her and held her tight. Lifting her lips with fingers gently under her chin. “Stay just the way you are. Insatiable.” He kissed her. “Sexy as hell.” He kissed her again. “Riding my cock all night long like last night. I’m going to be ruined when you have to go back.”
    “Then keep me here.”
    Her clear brown eyes were honest, unflinching. He knew she was ready to take that step through the doorway with him. As long as everything else worked out for these next two days, he’d be able to convince her to get married before he deployed. That was the mission. That was the target to be acquired.
Meet Sharon Hamilton~
Sharon Hamilton is a NYT and USAToday bestselling author most known for her SEAL Brotherhood series.
Her Golden Vampires of Tuscany are not like any vamps you’ve read before, since they don’t have to go to ground and can walk around in the full light of the sun.
Sharon’s Guardian Angels struggle with the human charges they are sent to save, often escaping their vanilla world of Heaven for the brief human one. You won’t find any of these beings in any Sunday school class.
All of Sharon’s books are available on eBooks (most formats), print and Audible.
A lifelong organic gardener, Sharon lives with her husband in the Wine Country of Northern California, where most of her stories take place. When she’s not writing, she’s getting verra verra dirty in the mud or wandering Farmer’s Markets looking for new Heirloom varieties of vegetables and flowers.

Connect with Sharon~

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