wedding picture


I love love.  I believe in love.  I love watching people fall in love and fight falling in love because it just doesn’t figure into their immediate plans, or they’ve been hurt before and don’t want to take that risk again.

You know….that first kiss.  That’s what I love most about romance novels and movies.  There’s just something special about that first kiss, don’t you think?

Yep, I’m a romantic at heart.  I believe there’s someone out there for everyone, I just believe that the majority of people don’t see it, run from it because of their own fears, or they place their happiness too much on love without bothering to realize they are the ones in charge of their life, if not their love.

I’m one of the lucky ones, I suppose.  I fell in love when I was sixteen years old and I’m still in love with that man.  I say it’s because my mom prayed so hard for me before she died and the love of my life is the answer to her prayers.  That doesn’t mean we haven’t had and don’t still have our problems.  We do have our problems, but we work through them.

Today is my nineteenth wedding anniversary!  And because of my marital bliss, I love to give relationship advice (just ask my friends).  I have so much pride and can be stubborn as all get out (just ask my husband).  But respect is the key to making things work.  You have to trust and respect your significant other, and sometimes that means giving in.  It also means listening and doing things you don’t necessarily want to do (but you’ll usually end up having a great time once you do!)  And usually if there’s something wrong with a relationship and you think your other should change, you are the one who has to change first.

Yep, I’m a romantic at heart, but my romance isn’t chocolate covered cherries with rose scented baths and a glass of bubbly.  My romance is living with the love of my life, every day.